Sherry Rehman
The Haqqani case stirred a historic tension in Pakistan existing between the civilian authorities and the military commanders since the foundation of the state in 1947.
Rehman’s appointment was seen as a surprise for those who were waiting someone close to the military to be appointed as ambassador of Pakistan to Washington. Soon after her appointment, Rehman reminded that Pakistan paid a high price in the war against terror, and that she would plead the case everywhere she went.
The new ambassador goes to Washington at a time when her country has the lowest approval rate especially among the Republicans. During a Republican presidential debate in Texas Pakistan was called unworthy of US aid, or even “a nation that lies,” a “violent and unstable state.”
Rehman is one of the veteran members of the Pakistan People’s party, the ruling party of president Zardari, and a staunch supporter of the civilian rule. A retired general said that she used to be a member in the security panel of the parliament, therefore knows the main security issues and is in good terms with the military.
Her nomination is deemed by analysts as a means to ease tension between civilians and the military leaders. President Zardari strongly denied that he had forwarded the Americans any memo demanding support in case of military coup.
Sherry Rehman, former journalist, served as information minister under Zardari after the restoration of civilian rule in 2008. She resigned in 2009 over disagreements with Zardari’s move to impose restrictions on press.
She was also an advocate of the women and minority rights, being threatened to be killed when she tackled the famous blasphemy law.
Pakistan and the Unites States, former close allies in the fight against terror, frozen relations after the number one terrorist and enemy of the United States Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan.
In September 2011, the Haqqani network executed an attack on the American embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. Admiral Mike Mullen, former chief of US army in Afghanistan, accused Pakistani foreign intelligence of working with Haqqani against the United States.
In October, US State Secretary Hillary Clinton demanded Pakistan to live up to the agreements it signed and dismantle the Haqqani network on its territory.
The US army and the NATO allies are making ready to drawdown from Afghanistan, after 10 years of war, and want to make sure that they leave behind a safer Afghanistan, for which reason they are entrenched in a fight against insurgents on both Afghan and Pakistani territories. Over one million Afghan people found refuge in the neighboring Pakistan since the war broke out in 2001.
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