Friday, November 25, 2011

The next releases of Workflow Boost

The next releases of Workflow Boost include tons of great new features and capabilities. With Workflow Boost vNext you’ll see many new activities and a bunch of really exciting improvements.
In this post, I will show you how to set a conditional statement. Even with this most basic Condition Activity, we have done a lot of innovation. Compared to the SharePoint Designer and other similar products, we are the best to use (if you also think so, it is so perfect :-) ).
Condition Activity:When designing a workflow, you can create rules that apply conditional logic to SharePoint lists and items. A rule establishes a condition, the workflow will perform the associated action only if that condition is true.
1 Add a Condition Activity
This workflow action processes logic within the workflow, which will run when a certain condition is evaluated to true or false.
To use the workflow action:
(1) Locate the action in Workflow Actions Toolbox (located on the left hand-side);

(2) Select the action, drag it onto the design canvas and drop it onto a design pearl.

When the action is added to the design canvas there are 2 branches. To the left is the Yes branch which is the path followed if the condition evaluates to true, to the right is the No branch followed if the condition is false.
2 Write a Condition Statement(Advance Mode)
With our powerful condition designer, write a complex condition statement is very easy.

2.1 Input column or function
Yes ,we support autocomplete ,so you do not need to care column spelling or select a column from hundreds items.

You also can input column or function with a dropdown menu.

2.2 Input lookup column
You can input lookup column, like this:

There are no dropdown menus . So easy.
2.3 Validate statement
You do not need do anything.
We validate your condition statement automatically and real-time. If there are any errors, we tell you. Like this:

2.4 Read you condition statement after six months
Your condition statement will be colored and have tooltip, so it very easy to read,to understand, even six months later.
Thank's for link:

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