Anders Behring Breivik
A court in Norway on Friday demanded that Anders Behring Breivik, the confessed killer of 77 people last summer on Utoya Island, be reevaluated by a psychiatric commission after an earlier report found him legally insane, a diagnostic which would make him unaccountable for his deeds.
Judge Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen said that the new evaluation was necessary because the initial evaluation was suggesting that the man who frightened and shocked the peaceful northern country by his killing spree could sent him to a psychiatric clinic in stead of prison.
Agnar Aspaas and Terje Toerrisen are the two psychiatrists appointed by the court to reevaluate Breivik. The lonely killer refused to admit any guilt, though he was quick to confess his crimes when he was apprehended on July 22, 2011.
He claims he is the head of a resistance movement that is decided to fight against the presence of the Muslim people on the European continent. His organization is called the Knight Templar, and is considered an far-right-like movement bent on restoring the European Christian values by means of an expulsion of all Muslims from Europe.
Since he was apprehended, Breivik has been kept in solitary confinement, with the arrest warrant being renewed by the court periodically. By the end of the year, the detention was loosened up, because the investigators found out that he was acting alone in this.
When he was arrested, he led them to believe that he was consorting with other people from other states in Europe. He even made some unusual demands in prison, saying that he would tell them who he had conspired with if they complied.
One of his requests was that the king of Norway renounce his throne and allow him to take control of the Norwegian army as means to organize the resistance of the Europeans against what he thought to be a “Muslim invasion.”
Prosecutors considered since then that he was playing insanity, so that he may be exonerated of his deeds. Breivik demanded that he be examined psychiatrically by Japanese doctors, arguing that they had a concept of honor and knew why he did what he did.
Preliminary evaluation were showing that the planning of such actions as those Breivik executed indicated that he was very calculated and coolheaded person, and that there was no way he could have been mentally challenged.
Breivik single-handedly staged an attack on a governmental building downtown Oslo, with the sheer intention of killing the Norwegian prime minister and leader of the Socialist party, which he considers guilty of allowing the Muslims to enter Norway.
Soon after the attack, Breivik dressed as a police officer and went to the Utoya Island, where killed 77 young people which were attending a summer school organized by the Socialist party.
The experts consider that the fact he was moving freely through Oslo after the first round of violence is due to the peaceful life of the Norwegian, where violence was something that happened very rarely.
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