Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Yakovlev-130 Mitten

Russia Sells $550 Million Warplanes to Syria
Yakovlev-130 Mitten
Russia on Monday has announced the closing of a $550 million worth o warplane with Syria at a time when there is increasing pressure for the Western forces to intervene and impose a no-fly zone on the regime accused of having killed 5,000 of the people in a 11-month uprising.
According to Kommersant, the contract purchased 36 Yak-130 Mitten combat trainers in December, as the unrest in Syria was becoming violent and the number of people was increasing.
Last week, Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, dismissed any information about any arms sales to Syria. In fact, Lavrov said Russia was not to be questioned about its deals, and did not have to be held accountable for them, as his country did not violate any international agreement or treaty.
Last year, the European Union has approved an embargo on arms deals with Syria, and the United Nations wanted to do the same, but its intention was blocked by the Russian opposition to the resolution draft.
On that occasion, the American ambassador to the UN accused Russia that wanted to oppose a resolution on Syria because it had economic interests in it, and even referred to the arms deals Moscow was having with the Assad regime.
Russia is said to be frustrated about the actions of the United Nations, whose actions in northern Africa, especially in Libya, made it lose some of the most serious clients, while the United States continues to sell weapons to its customers, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Russia is said to have lost $4.5 billion in brokered deals with Muammar al Qaddafi, and $13 billion because of the arms embargo on Iran.
As for the airplanes that were sold to Syria, a military experts said that Yak-130 are flying school desks, and their acquisition does not change the military balance of the region.
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