200 police troops stormed the place and found the people, who are coming from Poland, Romania and England, in the worst conditions, dressed in poor clothing, covered in excrement, and being kept there against their will.
Four men and one woman were arrested in this police action that reminded the Britons that slavery is still present in the civilized world. During the raid police also found drugs, money and weapons belonging to the perpetrators of these atrocity.
Under Slavery and Servitude Act 2010, James Connors, Tommy Connors, Patrick Connors, and Jamie Connor were charged with conspiracy to hold people against their will. A pregnant woman was released on bail and she is to be questioned as soon as she gives birth. If they are found guilty, under this act, they can spend 14 years in prison.
The police said that the people were recruited from soup kitchens and welfare services offices, and were being promised up to 80 pounds a day, free room and board.
When they were getting to the site, they were put to work for no money and in stead of the free rooms they were placed in horse boxes, dog kennels, or old caravanas. They were given very small amounts of food.
The perpetrators were threatening the people that they could not leave the place and that if they did dare to, they would be beaten up and attacked.
British Police Arresting Slave Owner
Police believes that some of these men had been held captive for 15 years, during which time they were made to work without any pay.
They were taken to a hospital and nine chose not to cooperate with the police in finding out what happened there.
Police said that though the people appreciate the support of the police, it would take more time for them to become more cooperative, considering what they have been through.
UK Human Trafficking Center released the information that 1,500 cases of enslavement have been occurring in the country for the last two years. According to estimates, in the entire world there are nearly 27 million people held against their will, which probably brings the number closer to the “golden age” of plantation slavery, back in the 17th and 18th centuries, when slavery was considered “natural.”
This abomination is helped by the regulations regarding the circulation of the person in the world, and by the migration of the people from the poorer countries toward the richer once.
Woman Sold on Sex-Slave Marker
The fact that there is an estimate about the number of these people is indicative that someone actually knows exactly what happens, bringing up the next question: Why the civilized states do not deal with this situation?
Most of the times the people who end up being sold as slaves have a precarious legal situation in the country where they do the slaving: in other words, most of them do not even exist in the eyes of the state, being smuggled somehow into the countries where they end up so badly.
That makes it quite difficult for the police to keep track of them, and in some countries even to intervene on their behalf. The happy cases such as the one we are referring to is caused by the humanitarian situation involved, by the fact that Poland and Romania are members of the EU, which makes their citizens have some degree of acknowledgement on British soil regardless of their passports, and by the fact that someone alerted the police, and it was impossible for it to look the other way.
European Union, which is considered the most civilized bundle of countries in the world, is the stage where dramas like this happen all the time.
There are countless reports of Romanian people, who speak for the televisions in their country of the ordeal they had to go through as they were trying to earn a keep abroad. And we are not talking about the Roma population the French are so desperate to expel from their country. We are talking about hard working people who want to make a better life for them and their families, who, if given a chance, could prove decent citizens of the countries where they go.
They speak of being kept against their will in Greece, or in Italy, or in other European country, being forced to work all day long under the Mediterranean sun, without any protection. Some of them even die, and some report that the Greek or Italian “owner” is eager to dispose of the body so that he may not have to explain it to the police.
The Romanian experience is the most tragic in Europe, because the harsh life conditions in that country displace millions of people, most of them honest people, who want to make a life for themselves and their families. That is why, when slavery is brought up, chances are that a Romanian person be involved as victim.
There is of course the sexual slavery, which engulfs all the large cities in Europe and has as victims women from the poor countries, who are promised to work something in the West. They usually end up as hookers in sexual networks run mostly by Albanians, who imposed some sort of monopoly on this “business” on the European continent, after toppling the Russians and the Ukrainians.
Though Romanian women have a share in this tragedy, the “stars” are the women from the former Soviet countries, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova most of all, because the regimes in those countries are weak enough to allow the “entrepreneurs” to develop recruiting networks in the country.
It is no easy matter recruiting a young woman and promising her to become waitress or nurse or dancer or social worker in the amazing West.
The recruiters know whom to recruit, and they usually go for the women that come from broken families that could never launch a police action against them back home, or from among the category of ladies who enjoy a thrill. As they arrive on the “market,” they wish they had been as dull as the girls they laughed at when they were home, and who are now looking after their husbands and kids in a quiet home.
Arizona Market
They ran the place at first, but then gave it to the locals to run it. It is called Arizona Market and has become the symbol of the most degrading commerce in the entire world: ever since it was run by the international forces it became a place where women were sold and bought by local males for the sexual amusement of the “gentlemen” in the “civilized” Europe.
There are many books wrote about the subject, all of them adding to the terrifying truth of this market named after the American army that was stationed in that part of Bosnia, who created this market at first with the best interests at heart.
There is of course the totally demented slavery springing from the mental disease of some people like the famous monster of Austria, who imprisoned his daughter for decades. His example was followed by another Austrian, who did almost the same thing.
Slavery has deep roots in a spiritual illness deemed by the Christian mystics as “the sin of wanting to dominate others.” In the Gospels, Jesus is tempted by the evil with dominating the world and the nations, and He refuses. What else is the Austrian case, or the case cracked by the British police, or Arizona market than the suffering of men who embrace the temptation of being the masters of other people?
World Slavery Map
In the map published by the CNN online edition in July 2011, one can see that the countries qualifying under tier 1 are colored in blue, those under tier two are colored in orange, whereas those in tier three are colored in red.
As one can see, Western Europe is colored in blue along with the United States, Canada, Surinam, Colombia and Australia, Eastern Europe in amber, Russia and China are orange, representing an intermediary tier called “tier two watch list” showing that it may take a while until some of its measures begin to pay off, and some African countries are colored in red.
If a person can be sequestered for 15 years in England and made to work as a slave, and Britain qualifies for tier 1, can anyone imagine what can happen in Yemen, or Saudi Arabia, or Venezuela, or Sudan?
One of the latest ways to fight slavery was Julia Gillard of Australia’s project to protect the Malay people who seek refuge in her country from being victims to people smugglers.
The project was for the moment halted by the high court of Australia, but the Australian PM promised to continue fighting against this form of human trading.
Society evolves toward a more and more undemocratic establishment, some say, with a way of life worshipping consumerism, and spending of resources, which prompted many to say that the world is on the brink of universal slavery (slavery to our own unquenchable desires that is).
There is a Romanian writer, who has a book about the condition of the human being today. He calls today’s human being “the happy slave,” probably to differentiate them from those 27 million across the world that are “unhappy slaves.”
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