Israeli Air Force
Thus, the Pentagon officials said that their concern is “heightened” and that they are preparing for a possible response of the Iranian forces to a attack led by Israel. Thus the range of concern runs as deep as to prepare for a possible reaction of the Shiite militia in Iran against the embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.
As additional precautions the United States has 15,000 soldiers in Kuweit, which it sees as a deterrent force for Iran, and has called a new U.S. aircraft carrier from the Indian Ocean two days ago. Also it has redirected its ammunition and war machinery toward Iran, and has accelerated the delivery of weapons to the allied countries in the region.
President Barack Obama and the defense minister Leon Panetta spoke to the Israeli cabinet leaders and highlighted the danger an attack on Iran may pose, and advised them to rely for the time being on the sanctions strategy. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is expected to travel to Israel next week.
Opinions are diverging on the international sanctions, as Israeli PM Benyamin Netanyahu, in an interview for the Australian media, said that in his opinion the sanctions against Iran are working, while president Ahmadinejad said defiantly that they had no effect on his country.
Netanyahu said for The Weekend Australian that it is for the first time that Iran is overwhelmed by the immense pressure put on it, especially with the threat of sanctions against the central bank.
Netanyahu said that if a military pressure becomes strong enough as to convince Iran that in case the sanctions failed a military operation would be on its way might convince Iran to refrain from producing a nuclear weapon.
Netanyahu said that Iran was attempting to hide its nuclear program underground, and stressed out the danger of a nuclear weapon falling into the hands of a Islamist radical group or of an Islamist regime. In the first case he referred to the possibility that Pakistan fell into the hands of the Taliban, in the second, to the obtaining by Iran of a nuclear weapon.
Netanyahu said that both cases would be catastrophic for the world peace, for the oil supply and for the safety of many countries in the region.
In turn, Ahmadinejad expressed assurance that his country would stand for any attack against it, and that this attack would be unwarranted, since his country was not in conflict with any other country and had not threatened any other country.
Ahmadinejad denied that there was a military program going on, and said that his country was pursuing a mere civilian program. He also referred to the killing early in the week of a Iranian scientist as to a punishment Iran did not deserve. He put the blame for those killing on the U.S. and Israel.
The United States, the European Union and Japan are preparing for an oil embargo on Iran after the International Atomic Energy Agency revealed that Iran was enriching uranium in a facility hidden under ground inside of a mountain.
China is reluctant to the idea of the United States imposing sanctions on Iran, and Turkey announced it would not respect an embargo that had not the consent of the United Nations.
Iran threatened that if sanctions on it continued, it would close the Strait of Hormuz, a place through which 40 percent of the world oil flows. Closing the strait would cause a rise of the oil price.
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