Wednesday, March 21, 2012

French President at the Jewish School In Toulouse

Suspect in Toulouse Shooting Ready To Surrender
French President at the Jewish School In Toulouse
French police is ready on Wednesday to capture a suspect in the killing of three Jewish schoolchildren, and rabbi and three soldiers in separate attacks in Toulouse. The French interior minister said that the suspect spoke a lot about his involving in the jihadist cause, and that he was a member of al-Qaeda who did what he did to avenge the Palestinians children who died in the attack on Gaza.
Police named the suspect Mohammed Merah, and said about him that he was a French national of Algerian descent. The man told the police he would surrender later on Wednesday. French interior minister said he was “certain” that this was the man that committed the killings in Toulouse.
Police made a first assault but then drew back and surrounded the house, while the man threw a handgun out of the window. Police said he could have many more guns in the house. The brother of the suspect was arrested early on Wednesday and is also suspected of participating in the murders.
The mother of the two men was called to reason with them, but she is said to have refused because she had no influence over them.
Mohamed Merah is said to be 24 years old and to have spent time in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He got into a firefight with the police, when they arrived at his house, during the predawn raid organized to capture the killer of the Jewish schoolchildren.
The attack on the Jewish school on Monday was the deadliest attack on Jewish people in France in decades. The French president Nicolas Sarkozy promised that a hunt would be launched to capture the assassin, and it seems that the hunt is about to pay off.
The entire world reacted to this atrocity, condemning the killing of innocent children. The EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton referred to it in a comment that triggered very powerful criticism from the Jewish authorities.
Israeli officials on Tuesday strongly criticized the comments and remarks made by Catherine Ashton a day earlier, when she is said to have equated the killing of the three Jewish children in Toulouse with the death of children during the Israeli attack on Gaza.
Ashton was speaking at a refugee conference on Palestinian refugees, hours after the attack in Toulouse. She said that it was time to remember “young people who died in all sorts of circumstances.”
According to the transcript of the conference, Ashton referred to the young that died in Belgium, to those killed by Breivik a year ago in Norway, on Utoya island, to those killed in Toulouse, to those who die in Syria and to those killed in Gaza.
In a recording of her comments and a transcript later released by Ashton’s office, the wording is different, and the foreign policy chief makes reference to the children of Sderot, who are targets of the rockets fired from Gaza.
Benyamin Netanyahu said he was infuriated by the comparison between a deliberated attack on Jewish children and the surgical attack on Gaza which were directed toward the terrorists that held children as human shields.
The Israeli interior minister said that Catherine Ashton hurt the ability of the European Union to be a honest peace broker between Palestinians and Israelis, and that for that reason she should no longer hold her office.
Defense minister Ehud Barak said that the comparison between Gaza, Syria and Toulouse was groundless and with no touch with reality.
The Israeli Foreign Ministry said that the bodies of the children killed in Toulouse would be taken to Israel to bury, at the request of the families. They were having Israeli-French dual nationality.
Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman called the allegations of Ashton “unworthy,” and said that she should have thought about the Israeli children in south Israel, who live in constant fear of being targeted by rockets coming from Gaza.
Catherine Ashton responded to all criticism by saying that her words were “grossly distorted” and that she never made any comparison between the situations. She said that she made comments about children losing their lives all over the world and made no parallel between the killing in the Jewish school and the Gaza attacks.
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