Erdogan Addressing the Arab League
Erdogan said that his country was at the heart of Arab world’s politics, declaring himself a champion of the Palestinian cause, and a supporter of the Palestinian state.
In a hearty speech, he said that it was time for the “Palestinian brothers” to declare an independent state. He said that Palestinians should go to the United Nations to obtain independence.
During his speech, Erdogan referred to shared history, faith and values, calling the Arab ministers “brothers.”
Erdogan also spoke of the political movement that is now changing the Arab countries, restating his support for the National Transitional Council in Libya. He said that NTC represents the will of the people.
He saved a part of his speech for lashing out at Israel, a movement that is expected to bring him the support and admiration of many Arab people all around the Arab world.
Israel should pay for they crimes committed against Turkish people, the PM said, referring to what happened in May 2010 with the Mavi Marmara vessel, when 9 Turkish nationals were killed by IDF.
Over the weekend, in an interview for Al Jazeera, Erdogan said that what Israel had done could have been construed as a reason for war, but that Turkey chose to show grandeur by not giving in to the tendency of responding to Israel the same way.
When he said that there would be no normalization of ties with Israel unless compensation was being paid to the families of the deceased, the Arab ministers applauded.
Several thousand Egyptian people came to meet the Prime Minister of Turkey, whom many consider a Muslim leader in the Middle East.
The success of the speech Erdogan gave to the Arab League was adumbrated by a little incident provoked by Syrian people who were very upset that their country wasn’t even mentioned in the speech.
They called him a coward and reminded him that people were dying in Syria for over six months.
Erdogan has expressed his opinion on Syria a few weeks ago, when he said that Syria was an “internal problem” for Turkey, and that it would be dealt with by it. He even alluded back then to the possibility of a military intervention.
Then foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu paid a visit to Damascus, and upon his return to Ankara the stance of Turkey changed from militant condemnation of the crackdown to patience to see Assad changing his ways, putting an end to the killing and commencing negotiations with the people of his country.
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